Skin Blush
Rp 79,000.00
Chinese New Year and Valentine Special Pinkish Collection, Blush Series!
This series are perfect to brighten your chinese new year and valentine photos! It gives you a beautiful pinkish blushing tone, if you love natural with a little hint of pink, don’t forget to get this blush series!
4 Lightroom Mobile Presets (.DNG)
One-click automated Lightroom filters (no user input required)
100% adjustable and customizable Lightroom presets
Compatible with both – iOS & Android.
Works well with your photos shot with your iPhone or Android device.
After you complete the payment you will immediately have the option to download the product(s) from the final purchase page and you will also receive a download email shortly after
▪Mobile Presets is perfect for your Adobe Lightroom CC Mobile App and works well with your photos shot with your iPhone or Android device.
▪Fun fact: Lightroom mobile is free for everybody! You don’t need an Adobe subscription to use these presets. Just download Adobe Lightroom CC free App to your mobile phone.
▪This preset aids to skin tones and hues in your everyday JPEG or RAW snaps. You’re not an expert? Try not to stress! The presets are really easy to use, one-click!
Fanny (verified owner) –
This preset is so sweet! Bikin kulit kliatan lebih aweet dan lively. Kalo mau bikin muka cakep waktu di foto keliatan pucet. Bisa langsung dikasih ini💕
Vic (verified owner) –
Pertama kali beli presets dan langsung suka sama yang ini😍gk nyesel beli❤️
Vic (verified owner) –
Pertama kali beli presets dan langsung suka sama hasilnya❤️suka bngttt gk nyesell!!
Felicia (verified owner) –
Really brighten up the photo! Looks especially pretty when used on face, worth the price🥺
Jennifer S. (verified owner) –
Gak nyesel beli!
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Amita Dharmayanty (verified owner) –
Sukaaaa banget sama presetnya, sesuai sama ekspektasi 😊
Abigail Melvira (verified owner) –
suka bangett smooth presetnyaa bikin adem pinknya ga lebay
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Sukaa banget sama preset ini , natural pink yang di cari dan cocok buat indoor atau outdoor
Makasihh bangett 💕
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Rin Da (verified owner) –
Nice preser
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Baru pertama kali beli preset and i am to happy hahaha
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Anonymous (verified owner) –
So beautiful
Anonymous (verified owner) –
bagus pol we!
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Suka bgt fotonya jdi pink” gituu, cuteee deh 😍😍
Anggi Pertiwi (verified owner) –
Ya ampun baru prtma kali beli preset dan sesuka itu dg hasilnya, bagus banget ga nyesel belinya 😭👍🏻💖
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Neysa (verified owner) –
Bagus, suka
Gracia Revela (verified owner) –
tone nya natural bgt ga terlalu colorful, bikin gampang ngefeeds di IG, totally recommended 😍❤️
Uploaded image(s):
Paskalin Yohansyah (verified owner) –
Senang banget ad preset yg memudahkan hidup.. jd tdk perlu cape2 edit foto,
Uploaded image(s):
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Bagusssss 😘
Erin (verified owner) –
baru pertama x beli preset ini dan langsung suka banget sama hasilnyaa ❤️❤️❤️
Anonymous (verified owner) –
very gooddd
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Love it!!
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Love the presets!